Not yet sure where to begin your search for a dog or puppy......
We can help! Not only do we offer the Pick the Perfect Puppy class, but we also offer indivdualized help.
​ Maybe you need help with this decision and it's not convenient to take the class. Maybe you have special circumstances to consider and want individual help with your needs promptly.
In an individual consultation, we take your description and help guide you to a choice you feel great about. We provide information from our decades of working with dogs about grooming needs, activity levels, dispositions and other factors that could be very important to a great match between you and your new family member. Shelter/Rescue dog or purebred, we
will help you get the dog that is right for you!
Consultations are avilable either by phone or in person.
Call 248-505-1412 or email us to schedule a consultation.