Working with Cesar Millan
In 2005 and 2006 both myself and Alexandra got the oppertunity to host and train with Cesar Millan (Star of National Geographic's "The Dog Whisperer"). We had a phenominal time working with Cesar and learned a lot that we apply in our classes and private sessions.
Alexandra and Linda (Volunteer)
Volunteer from the White Shepherd Genetics Project and Alexandra
Alexandra and Linda (Volunteer)
Cesar Millan Seminar 2006
Our second seminar was in the large auditorium of Clarkston High School. It sold out every single seat with only word-of-mouth. Alex was Illusion's requested assistant. Again, we were able spend the whole last day asking questions, watching Cesar work with some difficult dogs and just enjoying a very special experience with a rare talent.
(It sure is fun to walk through the airport with Cesar Millan!)
Julie and Cesar
Working with two of the Volunteer's dogs.
Julie and Cesar
Cesar Millan Seminar 2005
Our first Seminar with Cesar and Illusion. We were so thrilled to be able to host them and the whole committee worked to make the event a pleasure for them. The highlight was their last day when we were all able informally "talk dogs" and work with dogs.
We must have done a good job as his "people" called us to ask if we would like to host him again! I think we said "Yes!" before the sentance was finished!